This post goes over a few areas that make up the application within the project; the weather checking, job scheduling, notification sending, duplicate job preventing and 'global' progress bar.

This post covers my experience and mistakes running through the Linux From Scratch project to build a custom Linux system.

This post outlines the hardware portion of connecting the Pi to the Solenoid and changing state via the terminal.

The aim is to create a home irrigation system using a Raspberry Pi that waters the plants in the garden based on the weather.

HEIC is Apple’s proprietary version of the HEIF (High-Efficiency Image File format), in the wild this is less supported than JPG, hence the conversions below.

// 03 April 2022

uniCenta oPOS install notes

I was asked recently if I could run through the install guide for uniCenta oPOS (an open source point Point Of Sale application) to get a quick demo up and running.

This post outlines the steps I've taken to get a better insight into page requests and metrics for this site. First I wanted to add a 'hit counter' on each post page, then I wanted to be able to see where requests were coming from geographically and compare the amount of real traffic against bots and scans.

The option to filter articles by tags lets the author diversify content but retains some organisation for themselves and the reader. This is useful if the author wanted to write a series of posts on one topic but chronologically publish articles on varied topics.

These posts are mainly written in Markdown - a markup language that provides a method of formatting text using a simple syntax which easily converts to HTML, this makes it ideal to use when displaying text on a webpage.

I wanted to schedule and run backups from within a Flask application to make for one less configuration step to remember whenever the application is installed fresh.

I'm using SendGrid to get started with sending emails, the free tier supports 100 emails a day which is more than enough and the integration is straightforward thanks to their web API and the python-sendgrid module.